IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter     Vol. 56, No. 2. May 2010

Table of Content

Front page:
President's Message

From the Editor

Society News:
Stay Connected With Your Reliability Society: Facebook, Yahoo Groups and LinkIn

AdCom Elections: Call for Nominations

Awards: Call for Nominations

Feature Article:
Security and Fault Tolerance-
a Cmap

Chapter Activities:
Dallas Chapter

Joint Boston, New Hampshire, Providence Chapter

Denver Chapter

Cleveland Chapter

Technical Activities:
Annual Technology Report

Prognostic Health Management Conference -
Announcement and Call for Papers

IEEE SmartGrid Conference
Call for Papers

Green Technology Reliability Seminar

Safety & Reliability Workshop

Maxim Resource Library

Security and Privacy Magazine: Call for Papers

Distinguished Lecturer Program:

Call for RS
Distinguished Lecturers

Reliability Society Home

RS Newsletter Homepage


Chapter Activities:

Denver Chapter
Dr. Sam Keene, FIEEE, Chair

Correlated Accelerated Life Testing With Combined Stresses

Correlated accelerated life tests are a key enabler when one needs to demonstrate a high degree of reliability and do so in the shortest possible time.  Correlated tests provide the critical acceleration factor relating how long a device lives on test to how long that device will live in the field.  The Calibrated Accelerated Life Test method (CALT) is experiencing a growing following in many industries and countries around the world.  Its effectiveness has been proven in both for mechanical devices as well as electrical products.  A follow-on to CALT is CALT- MEOST (Mixed Environment Overstress Testing), where we combine different stresses that work together to produce a common failure in anticipation of taking advantage of interactions and synergistic effects.  We are able to retain correlation to the field using the CALT- MEOST method, and with as few as 6 test samples, can evaluate the combined effects of an unlimited number of stresses.  Yes you read that correctly and that was not a misprint.  This method is now being used in a wide range of industries including the wind turbine industry.  The 45 minute presentation by Larry Edson covered both of these methods showing applications in the wind turbine industry.