IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter     Vol. 60, No. 4. November 2014

Table of Contents

Front page:

President's Message

From the Editor


Society News:

Election of AdCom Members -- Awaiting Results

Announcing the Debut of the IEEE Reliability Digest

Status Update: 2014 IEEE Standards

Update of the RS Tutorial Certificate Program "Software Reliability"


VP Reports / Announcements

Technical VP: Status of Tech Committees and New 'Reliability Digest'

Publications VP: Call for Nominations: EIC, Transactions on Devices & Materials Reliability


Members & Chapters

Boston Chapter

Dallas Chapter

Outreach Guangzhou


Meetings & Conferences

2015 RS PHM Call for Papers

2015 RS ASTR Call for Papers


Letters in Reliability

Comparative Analysis: Bayesian & Classical Approaches for S/W Reliability Measurement


Reliability Society Home

RS Newsletter Homepage

Members of the IEEE Reliability Society

Election of Members to the Reliability Society Administrative Committee for aThree-Year Term: 1 January 2015 through 31 December 2017

Hello, and welcome to the IEEE Reliability Society (RS) AdCom candidates election. As IEEE Reliability Society members, each of you have received and know that the IEEE sent out the 11 AdCom candidates information on October 22.  As you are well aware, each Reliability Society member is eligible to vote / elect the needed 6 RS AdCom Members.

The voting period is from October 22 to November 25, 2014.

The IEEE Reliability Society AdCom Candidates are:
Jie (Peter) Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Lance Fiondella, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts (UMass), Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Pingfeng Wang, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas
Mohamed E. El-Hawary, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Chao Hu, Principle Reliability Engineer, Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Joseph A. Childs, Reliability and Testability Engineer, Turreted Systems Programs, Missiles and Fire Control, Lockheed Martin, Orlando, Florida, and past RS 2011-2013 AdCom member / officer and now appointed 2014 RS Newsletter Editor-in-Chief
Carole Graas, Senior Technical Staff Member / Manager, Systems and Technology Group, IBM, Essex Junction, Vermont, and 2012-2014 RS AdCom member
W. Eric Wong, Professor and the Director, International Outreach in Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Richardson, Texas, and past 2011-2013 AdCom member / officer and now appointed 2014 RS AdCom Secretary
Pierre Dersin, RAM Director, Information Solutions, ALSTOM Transport, Saint-Ouen, France, and a 2012-2014 RS AdCom Member
Samuel J. Keene, IBM Retired, Lyons, Colorado, and 2012-2014 RS AdCom member, Fellow of the IEEE, and a past President of the IEEE Reliability Society
Wei Dong, Full Professor, School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, and an appointed 2014 RS AdCom member

Before voting, please review the candidates’ write-ups provided within the IEEE sent enclosed brochure. As you know, your vote is for the election of six (6) IEEE Reliability Society member candidates to serve on the Reliability Society’s Administrative Committee (AdCom) for a three-year term: 1 January 2015 through 31 December 2017.

Please do vote for the six candidates. For your vote, use either the ballot cards or the electronic ballots which must be received at IEEE no later than 25 November 2014. As documented within the IEEE, any returns received after this date will not be counted. The online voting site will close at 4:00 pm Eastern Time USA.

The six elected Reliability Society AdCom member results will be notified by the IEEE to us on December 2.

Dennis Hoffman
Nominations Chair and Jr. Past Society President