Vol. 64, No. 1, February 2018

Table of Contents

Front Page:

Society Announcements:

RS Events & News:

Members & Chapters:


Announcing the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine!

The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) will launch the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine (IoTM) for Practitioners with an Inaugural Issue in the fall of 2018. IoTM is a link to the IoT community to enable Practitioners to share experiences, develop best practices, and establish guiding principles for technical, operational, and business success — to be your trusted source of knowledge about all things IoT.

Guidelines for submission follow:

Articles should be general, with the intended audience being all members of the IoT community, independent of technical or business specialty. Articles are expected to add to the experience base or best practices of the IoT community; sales/marketing materials are not appropriate. Authors are asked to strive to make their papers understandable by the general IoT practitioner. Authors are also encouraged to use color figures and submit multimedia material along with their papers for review. For a conference review or similar article, authors should target 1500 words or less (from introduction through conclusions, excluding figures, tables, and captions), or two (2) pages. Figures and tables should be limited to a combined total of six. The number of archival references is recommended not to exceed fifteen (15). In general, lengthy mathematical material should be avoided; instead, references to papers containing the relevant mathematics should be provided.

IoTM does not have a specific template and does not require manuscripts to be submitted in any specific layout. However, authors can use the template for IEEE Transactions (https://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/authors/author_templates.html) to get a rough estimate of the page count.