IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter     Vol. 60, No. 3. August 2014

Table of Contents

Front page:

President's Message

From the Editor

Society News:

Candidates Sought for Reliability Society Admin Committee (2015-2017)

Reliability Society Award Nominations

Special T-REL SW QA Edition

SW CERT Tutorial

PhD Thesis Offering

Report from the 2014 SERE Conference in San Francisco

Report from the IPFA Conference, Singapore

Members & Chapters

Italy Chapter

Nanjing Chapter

Outreach UK and Ireland Chapter

Dallas Chapter

Boston - New Hampshire - Providence

New Chapter in Arizona

Meetings & Conferences

2014 RSAMD

2015 IRPS Call for Papers

Letters in Reliability

PHM, Tucson Water System


Reliability Society Home

RS Newsletter Homepage

SERE 2014: An Impactful Conference on Software Security and Reliability

W. Eric Wong
Chair, SERE Steering Committee
Secretary of IEEE Reliability Society

After two consecutive years at NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, SERE 2014 (the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Software Security and Reliability) was held on the West Coast of the U.S., in San Francisco, California, from June 30 to July 2.

With its increasing use in many large, complicated systems such as those in transportation, medicine, finance, and nuclear power generation, software has become an essential factor in our everyday lives. Assuring the secure and reliable operation of these systems is of the highest priority, since a failure of these systems can lead to a significant financial loss or even to human casualties. In response to this, Software Quality Assurance was selected as the special theme of SERE 2014.

The conference brought together a broad spectrum of researchers and practitioners who presented on-going ideas, experiences, and most recent research. They exchanged best practices for developing reliable, secure, and trustworthy software systems more effectively and efficiently. This gave the academic community an increased awareness of areas vital to the industry while also presenting practitioners an opportunity to express their needs.

The conference had three major tracks: research papers, fast abstracts and the student doctoral program. It also had four distinguished keynote addresses on emerging topics related to the scope of the conference:

  • Adversarial Machine Learning

    Doug Tygar, Professor
    Department of Computer Science
    University of California − Berkeley, U.S.

  • “Imagineering” an Internet of Anything

    Jeffrey Voas, Computer Scientist
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.

  • Constraint-Based Reasoning in Static Analysis and Testing

    Jian Zhang, Professor & Assistant Director
    Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  • Software Fault Tolerance

    Kishor Trivedi, Chair Professor
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Duke University, U.S.

In addition to the main conference, there were four co-located workshops:

  • International Workshop on Information Assurance
  • International Workshop on Trustworthy Computing
  • International Workshop on Safety and Security in Cyber-Physical Systems
  • International Workshop on Hardware-Software Co-Design

These workshops focused on carefully selected topics yet were still closely related to the theme, making the conference an even more attractive platform for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and students to exchange ideas and results, share experiences and suggestions, and discuss solutions and practices appropriate for their challenges at work.

SERE 2014 was a three-day event with more than 100 attendees. Professor Christian Hansen, the society’s president, also participated in the meeting and gave welcoming remarks. The following photographs were taken at the opening session and at the keynotes.

Welcoming remarks by Professor Christian Hansen
President, IEEE Reliability

Opening remarks by Professor W. Eric Wong
Chair, SERE Steering Committee

Keynote address by Dr. Jeffrey Voas
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Keynote address by professor Doug Tygar
University of California − Berkeley

Keynote address by Professor Jian Zahng
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Keynote address by Professor Kishor Trivedi
Duke University

Please visit the conference website for more details.