IEEE Reliability Society Newsletter     Vol. 60, No. 4. November 2014

Table of Contents

Front page:

President's Message

From the Editor


Society News:

Election of AdCom Members -- Awaiting Results

Announcing the Debut of the IEEE Reliability Digest

Status Update: 2014 IEEE Standards

Update of the RS Tutorial Certificate Program "Software Reliability"


VP Reports / Announcements

Technical VP: Status of Tech Committees and New 'Reliability Digest'

Publications VP: Call for Nominations: EIC, Transactions on Devices & Materials Reliability


Members & Chapters

Boston Chapter

Dallas Chapter

Outreach Guangzhou


Meetings & Conferences

2015 RS PHM Call for Papers

2015 RS ASTR Call for Papers


Letters in Reliability

Comparative Analysis: Bayesian & Classical Approaches for S/W Reliability Measurement


Reliability Society Home

RS Newsletter Homepage

The Debut of IEEE Reliability Digest

Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh
Vice Presidentof Technical Activities
IEEE Reliability Society

The inaugural issue of IEEE Reliability Digest (IEEE RD) will be launched in November 2014. The Reliability Society President Christian Hansen and Editor-in-Chief Shiuhpyng Winston Shieh would like to welcome you to enjoy reading the new RS magazine.  IEEE Reliability Digest is a new on-line magazine published quarterly in February, May, August, and November, respectively. It is an extension to the IEEE RS Newsletter, which aims to become a forum for all security and reliability aspects of science, engineering, technology and applications. The main purpose of this magazine is to help readers worldwide who develop their work in the related fields. Reliability Digest aims at serving as a focal point for scholars, researchers and students worldwide who study reliability science and engineering to discuss the latest development and exchange scholarly outputs in the related field.

This inaugural issue covers special topics on trustworthy computing and cybersecurity.  The Area Editor Wen-Guey Tzeng has strived to bring the latest research and share their scholarly endeavor with all the readers around the world. The November Issue of IEEE Reliability Digest includes topics on software modeling, testing and evaluation, cloud computing, security and privacy.

Articles in Reliability Digest address reliability, security and related assurance topics, including recent innovations and advancements of emerging new topics, along with revisited techniques and methodologies, experiences and practices, case studies and benchmarks, insights and recommendations. Reliability Digest presents the latest development in theory and practice, with special emphasis on meaningful applications of principles to solve important problems; thus, tutorial, survey and research papers are all welcome. In each manuscript accepted by Reliability Digest, at least 30 percent of the article length should be tutorial, providing the background information and related work, which would surely help the readers get a whole picture more easily.

Here’s the table of contents of Reliability Digest November Issue:

Software Modeling

Testing and Evaluation

Cloud Computing

Security and Privacy

With all these interesting and informative papers, the inaugural issue of Reliability Digest will surely be worth reading. The November issue is coming soon, please check Reliability Digest website ( for the details.